If it’s your goal to graduate from high school, consider getting your Adult Graduation Diploma – even if you’ve already received a GED© or School Completion Certificate (Evergreen Certificate).
Adult learners (18 and older) can enroll in this program to take courses as credit towards their Adult Graduation Diploma.
You may also get credit recognition for current or past work competences or completed post-secondary training courses by undertaking a Prior Learning Assessment. Contact us to help with this step. We can review your past work history to determine if it qualifies for course credit.
For most adult students, earning the BC Adult Graduation Diploma (the “Adult Dogwood”) is a fast way to graduation.
Courses are available in a self paced supported program throughout the school year to suit your schedule.
Download a registration form and start your journey today.
Email completed registration forms to ceadmin@viw.sd84.bc.ca